Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meet Pyewacket

Pyewacket and Gillian (Kim Novak)

Bell, Book, and Candle is one of my favorite films adapted after the Broadway play. This 1958 movie directed by Richard Quine takes place in Manhattan and stars a Siamese cat named Pyewacket. Kim Novak and James Stewart also star in this romantic comedy. Novak plays Gillian, owner of a bohemian African Art Gallery and also happens to be a seductive sorceress. Pyewacket is Gillian's assistant in spell casting. Gillian wants Shep (James Stewart) for her very own even though he is engaged to another woman. One evening, Pyewacket purrrrs while Gillian hums the spell casting tune which captures Shep.

The background of 5th Avenue and the various set locations are a delight to travel to. I highly recommend watching this film with your cats.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Encaustic Workshops

Stripes Totem (detail)
encaustic by edie Morton

I am now teaching encaustic workshops in my studio in Atlanta. The first class was last Saturday and we all had big fun. The day flew by for all of us and students suggested I offer a 6 week session as well as the intro class. I am making plans for that in the future.

Beginners workshops cover the following topics and demonstrations: safty, making clear wax medium and mixing with color, preparing the surface , surface texture, incising, collage, Xerox transfers and stencils.

Contact me at ediemorton@earthlink.net to inquire about or register for upcoming workshops.

Saturday's class

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Red Birds

Oya's Birds
encaustic by Edie Morton

Summer Solstice
encaustic by Edie Morton

Inspired by my friend Jerry Lee Davis . He wrote a verse about a Blue Heron.

Blue Heron medicine or as an animal totem, can remind one to follow their own path. "The way of the heron people is not a structured way, and does not seem to have a stability and security to it. It is, though, just a matter of perspective." From "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews

" Legs enable animals and people to move about on the earth. They are symbols of balance, and they represent an ability to progress and evolve. Also the longer the legs, the deeper the blue heron will feed in. The deeper life can be explored. The long thin legs of the Heron reflect that you don't need great massive pillars to remain stable, but you must be able to stand on your own. "

I am the blue heron by Jerry Lee Davis

I am the blue heron. I stand alone amongst the Canadian geese and the mallard ducks. The baby ripples of the pond push against my legs, and I raise one and steady myself on the other. I never wonder if I belong or not, for where I land is where I am. Cautious but confident, I move around the banks. Once the grassy area gets too crowded, I flap my wings and speak. “Give me my space,” I proclaim. The geese and the ducks hurry to the water. I am not a bully if that’s what you are thinking. I let the others have free reign most of the time. Only when I feel it’s my turn do I demand equality. No. I am not an oddity. I am unique, though. I don’t travel in flocks, and I’m rather reserved but not shy, making myself known and announcing my presence whenever I see fit. Accepting my individuality, I am secure, yet I am also aware that I am a piece of a greater whole. The water feeds me, and I spend most of my time wading the inlets and shores. Full from so much nourishment, I crouch my neck and squat, and then I take to the sky. My wings spread, the wide span of blue and gray marking my connection to all life that came before me, I share all that I am with whomever or whatever chooses to see me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer Solstice


Before the ritual began we walked over to see the animals living on the property.

Peacocks, chickens, dogs, a big furry pig and all of these horses. I want one, they are gentle and
present, Dalai Lama-like.

This was a Swedish Summer Solstice celebration.

There were games where we were suposed to act like animals and hop and jump around.

Drinking games with songs about bees, bears and polly wolly doodle with little shots of flavored vodka. There was a lake that looked like a mirror, so we went. A late night film, "The Waters of Lethe" , a short film by artists Richard Sudden and Jason Vise.

Pywacket's Garden

Intimate cocoons, shrines, and floating gardens...

my home and studio

live and create